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Born in USA, 1973
I was brought up into the family business, taught by my siblings. My story is long but my success longer. This dream has been made real for me after fifteen years. I have encountered many obstacles but I've learned that you develop from the negatives. I was taught this profession that has become my obsession. Everyday I put my potential to the greatest and make a living moment stop in a single flash.
Nacida en USA, 1973​
Fui intregrada en el negocio de la familia, enseñada por mis hermanos. Mi historia es grande pero mi triunfo grandioso. Mi sueño se a hecho realidad despues de quince años. En mi vida an existido muchos obstaculos pero e aprendido que debo desarollarme de los negativos. Fui enseñada esta profesion que se a convertido en mi obsesion. Cada dia pongo mi pontencial a lo maximo y capturo un momento con un solo flash.


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